Another propaganda term we keep hearing in relation to the war in Israel, along with carpet bombing, genocide, occupation, ethnic cleansing, and civilian casualties, is APARTHEID, or APARTHEID STATE.
So what does APARTHEID actually mean?
apartheid/ə-pärt′hīt″, -hāt″/
An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
So the definition of APARTHEID is the one we all kniw that describes the European colonial governments in South Africa. The second “definition” is just a translation of the Dutch word APARTHEID, which means SEPARATION.
To say that a policy that simply produces separation between people is apartheid is a newly invented leftist corruption and devaluing of the true meaning of the word. Black Americans choosing to live in mostly black neighborhoods, for instance, is NOT apartheid. A white neighbir having a house that is SEPARATE from the house of his black neighbor is NOT apartheid. Native American reservations are NOT apartheid. The French staying in France while the Germans stay in Germany is NOT apartheid.
[France-Germany Apartheid Border]
apartheid (n.)
1947 (the policy was officially begun 1948), "segregation of European from non-European people in South Africa," from Afrikaans apartheid (1929 in a South African socio-political context), literally "separateness," from Dutch apart "separate" (from French àpart; see apart) + suffix -heid, which is cognate with English -hood. The official English synonym was separate development (1955).
So, as you can see from the etymology of the word APARTHEID, modern leftists have taken a Dutch term to describe a government that sought total separation and inequality, and bastardized it by insisting on the kindergarten version to make it fit their narrative. If APARTHEID simply means separation, there's no need for the term at all.
[Apartheid Indian Reservation - America]
The second “definition” is the PROPAGANDA term, not a real word that means something specific. This is why PRECISE language is paramount to the Great Awakening.
The word APARTHEID has also historically referred to the brutal rule of a foreign MINORITY over the indigenous MAJORITY. This again does not apply to Israel. As I've already explained, the British Mandate for Palestine was initially separated into a country for the Arab Muslims known as JORDAN, and a Jewish country known as ISRAEL. The Arab “Palestinians” are NOT from Israel, nor did they own the land at ANY POINT in history.
The word APARTHEID comes from the former colonial governments of South Africa. These governments in Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe and Botswana) and South Africa were run by the Dutch and/or the British and governed a vastly Sub-Saharan African populace. Apartheid meant that black South Africans and Rhodesians were not afforded the same voting rights and privileges given to the British colonists. There were different laws for British or European and African, and the two were LEGALLY prevented from marrying or mixing with each other. The black South Africans were BANNED from holding office, being police officers, working certain jobs, or serving as officers in the military, unlike the Arab Muslims of Israel.
When the word APARTHEID is used to describe the situation in Israel, it has NO connection to what the term actually means.
The Arab Muslims living in Israel, along with Christians and Druze, have FULL voting and civil rights that are EQUAL to the Israeli Jews.
[Arab Muslim Knesset members]
Arab Muslims actually serve as members of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) and make up the third LARGEST party in the country.
Arab Muslims serve freely as soldiers AND officers in the IDF and Israeli police, while also being represented by Arab Muslims in the Knesset.
[Female Arab Muslim (Palestinian) IDF Colonel]
Arab Muslims are specifically prevented from outnumbering Israeli Jews in order to ensure a Jewish-run state. Otherwise, there is no point of Israel. There are dozens of Muslim countries with TENS of MILLIONS of Arab Muslims surrounding Israel. There is only ONE Jewish state in the entire WORLD.
Why does the word APARTHEID never seem to come up when it concerns MUSLIM countries? What would you call it when Jews are NOT afforded the same rights or are forced out by Muslims in Islamic countries?
[Hindus in Pakistan]
What would you call it when Pakistan separated from India to become an Islamic state and forced MILLIONS of Hindus to leave? Is that APARTHEID?
[Hindus in Bangladesh]
How about Bangladesh? Same situation as above. Is that APARTHEID?
How about Christians in Muslim countries who do not have the same rights or privileges as Muslims and must pay a poll-tax to simply exist? Is that APARTHEID?
Or maybe something more recent like Cyprus? The Muslims have a policy of colonizing and SEPARATING the Muslims from the Greek Christians. Is that APARTHEID?
[Turkish troops in Cyprus - 1974]
So, as you can see, the word APARTHEID, when used in reference to Israel, is nothing more than Muslim PROPAGANDA. There are ZERO credible comparisons between South African APARTHEID and the situation in Israel. The Israeli situation does not meet the definition of APARTHEID in any way. The only way APARTHEID can apply to Israel is to apply it to EVERYTHING else.
I hope you are seeing a pattern here. EVERYTHING the Muslim world says about Israel is a LIE. Why the non-Muslim world parrots these talking points is what confuses me.